Ballot Measures 101 – Be Informed And In The Know About Ballot Measures 1, 2, and 3
Join the South Washoe DEMS at 6 PM on Monday October 24th on ZOOM for an informative and educational meeting on Ballot Measures 1, 2, and 3.

Question 1 – Would amend the Nevada constitution to provide legal protection of equal rights for all traditionally marginalized groups, as detailed in ballot text. Nnedi Stephens, Campaign Manager for Nevada for Equal Rights, will explain Ballot Measure 1.

Question 2 – Incrementally increases the minimum wage in Nevada to $12 per hour for all employees by July 1, 2024. South Washoe DEMS Chair Jack Heinemann will explain Ballot Measure 2.

Question 3 – Establishes open top-five primaries and ranked-choice voting for NV general elections. Truckee Meadows Community College Professor Fred Lokken, who serves as the Business, Political Science, and History Department Chair, will explain Ballot Measure 3.
Questions for the speakers can be submitted in advance here.
Zoom registration is required via this link. Upon registration, you will receive an email with your unique access link to join the meeting using your PC, Mac or mobile device. You are free to share the registration link but PLEASE DO NOT SHARE YOUR UNIQUE MEETING ACCESS LINK WITH OTHERS, ESPECIALLY ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Please use your unique link to logon by 5:45 PM to ensure you connect successfully to the meeting.
Our October meeting will be on ZOOM only because our meeting location, the South Valleys Library, is used for Early Voting.