Always wanted to read and discuss books with like-minded friends? The SWD Book Club delivers just that!

In conjunction with Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (, the South Washoe DEMS have adopted Wedge Parkway, between Arrowcreek Parkway and the Mt. Rose Highway.

Feeding the homeless is one of our long-running community service projects at South Washoe Dems.

Provides information, inspiration, and hands-on activities to help our members get involved in fighting climate change. 

The South Washoe DEMS donates RTC Bus Passes to various community organizations such as the Reno Community Assistance Center, The Eddy House, and the Northern Nevada International Center!

Join us at our monthly South Washoe DEMS meeting, which in practice is more of an educational social.

SWD Book Club

The South Washoe DEMS Book Club has been meeting since September 2013. We generally get together about once a month or so. The exact date for the next meeting is chosen at the end of each meeting. It is a great opportunity to be with a group of nice folks and have some lively discussions on topics of current interest and enjoy some light food & beverages.

We do hope you will join us for this meeting. We will have some refreshments, a good discussion of the latest book and the issues it raises and, most of all, we always have a good time!

As always, please bring a list of books you would like to discuss in the future! Here is a list of books we’ve read in the past. Also, come prepared to enjoy a nice evening with your friends. We hope to see you there!

If you would like to receive our monthly SWD Book Club Reminder Email, or to let us know if you are coming, please email Fred May or Millie May.

We are returning to in-person meetings however, if you are not fully vaccinated or would feel uncomfortable attending, we can “see” you via a Zoom connection. Please contact Fred or Millie May if you need Zoom access for a video call or if you need their home address.

Wedge Parkway Cleanup

In conjunction with Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (, the South Washoe DEMS have adopted Wedge Parkway, between Arrowcreek Parkway and the Mt. Rose Highway. Look for our sign as you travel south just before the library. At least 3 times per year, we clean up debris on this stretch of road.

Our South Washoe DEMS/KTMB coordinator, Barry Cernoch, is doing a great job heading up this project.

We meet at the South Valleys Library. Safety vests, disposable gloves, garbage bags, and the “picker-upper” tools will be provided. 

To join the “Litter Patrol” or for more information, please email Barry Cernoch.

Adherence to COVID-19 safety precautions is voluntary: volunteers may bring their own masks and hand sanitizer.

Lunch at 'Our Place'

Feeding the homeless is one of our long-running community service projects at South Washoe Dems. On the fourth Sunday of each month, we contribute bagged ‘To-go’ lunches for around 100 women in the new Washoe County Women’s Shelter at Our Place, which is the “outcome-based campus designed to create a safe and stable environment for women and families who are experiencing homelessness”. Each bagged lunch will consist of a protein sandwich, fruit, sweet treat, and bottled water. All the bags will be assembled before delivery to Our Place. If you are interested in helping or have questions, please email Debbie Kladney.

To learn more about the Washoe County Women’s Shelter at Our Place, visit their website at

Climate Change Champions

The Climate Change Champions (CCC) committee was created to provide information, inspiration, and hands-on activities to help our members get involved in fighting climate change. In addition to encouraging our SWD members to participate in environmental-related projects, the CCC plans to focus on relevant legislative issues. The CCC will:

  • Conduct recycling projects (Holiday lights, books for Our Place library, etc.)
  • Provide information on gardening for drought conditions and using native plants to support wildlife, butterflies, and bees
  • Provide fire prevention and fire safety information
  • Participate in KTMB events (Clean Wedge Parkway, Plant native plants as part of Community Cleanup, etc.)
  • Challenge SWD members with recycling and other positive climate actions they can take

To get involved, please contact Suzy Williams.

RTC Bus Pass Program

The South Washoe DEMS donates RTC Bus Passes to various community organizations such as the Reno Community Assistance Center, The Eddy House, and the Northern Nevada International Center! One way we can help these organizations is to provide RTC Bus Passes. Staff can then distribute these on an “as needed” basis to help clients when they go on a job interview, a medical appointment, etc.

The organizations need the adult Day Pass that costs $9.00 for 3 passes ($3.00/pass). Purchase Bus Passes:

Any Bus Passes you purchase yourself, bring them to any South Washoe DEMS meeting or call us (775-800-1486) and we will arrange to pick them up from you. Thank you for your continued support!

SWD Monthly Program

Join us at our monthly South Washoe DEMS meeting, which in practice is more of an educational social. We feature thought-provoking speakers who engage with us on local, state, and national concerns. Make sure you are on our email list to receive notifications of these meetings.

Here’s a sample of some of our past speakers and topics:

– Jon Ralston, Nevada Independent  presenting his 2020 Election Roundup
– Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno on Understanding Racism
– Lt. Governor Kate Marshall at our Candidates Forum
– Cory Farley (RGJ) and Dennis Myers (RN&R) on Freedom of the Press

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